Friday, April 1, 2011

SmartSPLAT - yet another SMART way to manage SecurePlatform

You are considered to be an expert if you can effectively work with SPLAT CLI. It usually takes knowledge and expertize to operate with fw monitor, kernel debug, and ClusterXL commands.

But is it indeed that complicated? Apparently not. There is a brilliant tool out there called SmartSPLAT.

It allows you just almost everything you might dream of: getting traces, collecting debug information, managing interfaces, preparing SCP transfer, changing cluster parameters, etc. The full list might actually take a couple of pages.

And can you imagine this tool is free of charge?

The author is Çağdaş Ulucan, and we all are grateful for his tremendous job.


  1. Is this the tool that they are talking about to replace the IPSO Voyager or Webui?

  2. no, one you mean is full blown OS called Gaya.

  3. I used this today. Very nice. Needs some work for P1 on Splat and nokia fw. But very nice layout...
