Thursday, August 20, 2015

Who is making Check Point High End chassis?

The full name of Check Point includes Software Technologies in the title. It hints that Check Point does not produce its own appliances. And who does for that matter?

One question is bothering me for years now: who is making Check Point 61K and 41K chassis? I have never got a straight answer on it from CP itself, not even a hint.

But just for sake of argument, take a look onto Advantech Advanced TCA boxes:

Do they look almost like 61000 and 41000 from Check Point to you?

Granted, it is not 100% match. The smaller chassis even have 41K composition up side down. Could it be that Advantech is producing custom HW for Check Point? Or could it be that Check Point uses just some of the components such as frames and fan blocks, but the blades are done somewhere else?

I wish I know the answer to this.

What do you think? What do you know?


  1. The x86 appliances are made by Portwell and Lanner:

    The chassis are made in Israel by Asis:

    1. This is very likely. On the other hand, an least some of the components in those chassis are produced by Advantech. Could be Asis is being some parts there.

      Thanks for the links, very interesting

  2. When went to some 61k training, they told me it was the same people that made the Crossbeam chassis

    1. If you have ever seen XB chassis and 61K, the difference is pretty obvious. These are not from the same manufacturer. Actual producer of 61 and 41 is already mentioned in the comment above

    2. Makes sense. I know not everyone at Check Point knows what they're talking about.

  3. It's definitely not the same supplier as XBEAM. You can get this information via NDA if you want Valeri, just have to ask the right people :)

    There are very few ATCA builders that are not also competitors in this space to CP that would offer services

    1. What would be the point? I could not share. I think I have almost cracked it, see my new post
